Work in pairs. Read the roles and talk. (refer to activity 9)

7.sınıf İngilizce dersi için verilen PUBLIC BUILDINGS sorularından birisi. Soru şu şekilde:

  • Work in pairs. Read the roles and talk. (refer to activity 9)(kırmızı renk tişört almak için diyalog) 7.sınıf İngilizce pasifik yayınları ders kitabı 99. Sayfa

You: Hi, do you sale T-shirt?

Your friend: Yes, we sale T-shirt. What size are you?”

You: I want to buy a red, medium size T-shirt.

Your friend: This T-shirt is your size and red but I suggest a blue one for you. Because It’s cheaper and more beautiful in my opinion

You: Thank you for suggestion, I can try it. How much is this?

Your friend: The blue T-shirt prize is 25 TL.

You: Ok, I am buying the blue T-shirt

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