Write a short poem about your obligations at home or at school

8.sınıf İngilizce dersi için verilen CHORES sorularından birisi. Soru şu şekilde:

8.sınıf İngilizce Evrensel yayınları ders kitabı Sayfa 72

  • Work with your partner and write a short poem about your obligations at home or at school. State your feelings in your poem. (Evdeki veya okuldaki yükümlülükleriniz hakkında kısa bir şiir yazın.)

I am a good listener,

I always hear my teacher.

My desk is tidy and neat,

I am work hard and doing my best.


I like learning new thing,

Our teacher is my everything.

I always get well with friend

Classmates are my best friend.

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