Does Helen like her responsibility? CHORES

8.sınıf İngilizce dersi için verilen CHORES sorularından birisi. Soru şu şekilde:

8.sınıf İngilizce Evrensel yayınları ders kitabı Sayfa 69

  • Read the diary again and answer the questions. (Helen’in günlüğünü tekrar okuyun ve soruları cevaplayın. İngilizce)

Does Helen like her responsibility?

– Yes, Helen like her responsibility. Because she thinks that it’s fun and it’s her duty.

Does Jeremy like his responsibility?

– No, Jeremy doesn’t like his responsibility.

What does Helen think about sharing the housework at home?

– She thinks sharing the housework makes their tasks easier.

Are they happy? How do you understand?

– Yes they are happy. I understand from that she says We are very happy at the end of diary.

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